Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - The Ghost of Christmas Past

Over the years I have thought about digging up some of my old website designs and displaying them on as a way to showcase the way the site has evolved over the years. Today I ran into this page which fits the theme of the Christmas season. I hope you enjoy a look back to the front page of Furtak.Net as seen from the Christmas season in 2003.

(this is always worth updating every year -12-24-2009)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Model Train Tour - Piedmont Pilgrimage

The Piedmont Division of the South Eastern Region of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) is hosting home tours through the month of November.

This past weekend we went to the first set of houses on the tour and had a blast. The following is a quick summary of our visits. Keep posted on the latest photos on the Furtak website at:

October 25th -
  • The Diamond River Valley Railroad is fictitiously based in the western US. The Railroad uses ATSF and UP for it's primary motive power and has live interchanges with SP and SP&S The railroad features a large yard, coal mine and snow covered mountains that trains run through above eye level.

  • C&O New River and Central City Division - This was a nice HO scale layout

more pictures of these railroads at:

Monday, October 20, 2008

Alexis a teenager?

October 16, 2008 - Happy Birthday Alexis!
Well, we finally made it. The eventful day where parents becomes old and wierd. The day where your little girl becomes your little lady and dolls are traded for iPods. Alexis turned 13 today and we celebrated by taking her out to do fun activities of her choosing.

Nice Story: Jeanne DuPrau and the City of Ember
I wanted to share a nice story with you that relates to Alexis' birthday. Alexis wrote the author of the City of Ember, Jeanne DuPrau. Alexis wanted to extend a fans congratulations on the release of the City of Ember to the movies to Jeanne. Alexis had been a fan of the book for a few years and she became excited when the movie was announced. Alexis was thrilled when Jeanne wrote her a personal letter back.

I asked Alexis to forward the email to me and without Alexis knowing it, I reach out to Jeanne to thank her for taking the time out of what must be a busy schedule with the release of the movie, to write Alexis back.

Jeanne wrote me back and I was thrilled when she agreed to send Alexis a bookplate. I took the bookplate and affixed to the inside cover of the newest Ember book which just released and gave it to Alexis as a birthday surprise.

Alexis takes her friends to see the City of Ember Movie
Alexis decided that she wanted to have some friends from church join her for a viewing of the City of Ember movie. We took Alexis and 3 of Alexis friends to see the movie on Saturday morning. We loved the movie and gave it two thumbs up. After the movie we walked the plaza and Alexis took her friends to lunch at Chick-fil-a and shopping at Clairs. She had a great time and she was thankful to her friends for helping celebrate her birthday.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Furtak Family Newsletter Posted for October 2008

Here's where you can get a copy:

Also check out the updates made to




I regret that I haven't kept up with posting on this Furtak Family news blog but renewed interest in keeping my family and friends up to date has given me the inspiration to get this going again.

This will serve as a marker indicating a restart of the Furtak Family News Blog on September 30, 2008

Furtak.Net - Family News Blog